Science Labs offers innovative laboratory curricula and corresponding kits to enhance the science learning experience.

37.J.J.Kim, Y.H.Lee and I.G.Jang, “Topology optimization-based trabecular bone reconstruction from routine CT scan data: age-related changes of trabecular morphology and bone strength,” In preparation
36.M.G.Kim and J.J.Kim, “2-D topology optimization of the connection part for the electric kickboard considering multiple loads,” In preparation
35.J.B.Bae, J.H.Back, J.H.Kang and J.J.Kim, “Optimization for Vibration Test Jig to Maximize The Lightweight and Natural Frequency,”  In preparation
34.J.H.Back, J.B.Bae, J.H.Kang and J.J.Kim, “Comparing Bolt Implementation Methods in Vibration Testing for Accurate Dynamic Behavior Analysis,” Applied Sciences, Under review
33.J.W.Choi and J.J. Kim, “Strategies for the Patient-specific Implant Angle of Bone Scaffolds Using Optimization,”  Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Under review
32.J.A.Baik, J.W.Choi, and J.J. Kim, “Fracture path prediction in proximal femur using strain energy-based Dijkstra’s algorithm,” Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Under review(Revision)
31.B.J.Chun, S.M.Sin, J.J.Kim, and I.G.Jang, ” Patchwise trabecular bone reconstruction of a 2D proximal femur using deep learning and seamless quilting algorithm,” Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Under review
30.J.W.Choi, and J.J. Kim, “Comparison of structural behavior following bone scaffold implantation in multi-resolution proximal femur images,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Under Review(Revision)
29. J.W.Choi and J.J.Kim, “A Computational Approach to Investigate The Structural Behavior of Bone Scaffold-Implanted Proximal Femur in Routine Clinical Resolution,” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Under review(Revision)
28.J.A.Baik, and J.J. Kim, “Crack path analysis of spent nuclear fuel cladding using strain energy-based Dijkstra algorithm,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol. 429, no. 1, pp.113661, 2024
(JCR-IF-2023: 7.0, Rank-Nuclear Science & Technology: 10/40, Top 23.7%)
27.S.M.KimJ.W.Choi, and J.J.Kim, “Personalized Stem Length Optimization in Hip Replacement: A Microscopic Perspective on Bone–Implant Interaction,” Bioengineering, vol. 11, no. 11, p.1074, 2024 
(JCR-IF-2023: 3.8, Rank-ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL: 44/123, Top 35.4%)
26.J.Kim and J.J.Kim, “Computational Efficient Dominant Load-based Local Bone Microstructure Reconstruction Method Using Topology Optimisation,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 180, Sep. pp.108929, 2024
(JCR-IF-2023: 7.0, Rank-Mathmatical & Computational Biology: 2/65, Top 2.3%)
25. J.Kim and J.J.Kim, “Computational Comparison Study of Virtual Compression and Shear Test for Estimation of Apparent Elastic Moduli under the Various Boundary Conditions,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Vol.40, No.9, pp.1-23, 2024
(JCR-IF-2023: 2.2, Rank-Mathmatics, Interdisciplinary applications: 39/135, Top 28.5%)
24.J.B.Bae and J.J.Kim, “Bending and Compressive Performance Analysis for Strut Tower Braces Based on Driving and Crash Scenarios,”  Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Vol.41, No.11, pp.817-825
23.J.W.Choi, J.B.Bae, S.G. Lee and J.J. Kim, “Optimization for column-type vibration test jig to maximize the natural frequency,” Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.50, No.5, pp. 325-332
22.J.A.Baik, J.W.Choi, and J.J.Kim, “Segmentation Performance Analysis of The Otsu Algorithm for Spent Nuclear Fuel Cladding Image According to Morphological Operations,” Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, Vol.22, No.3, pp.301-311 
21.S.M.Kim and J.J.Kim, “Optimization for 2-set Korean Keyboard Layout Based on Genetic Algorithm Considering Finger Fatigue,” Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp.1-8, 2024
20.J.B.Bae and J.J.Kim, “Analysis of Vibration Performance by Height of Column-type Jig for Vibration Test with Cross-sectional Shape Based on Optimization,” Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineer, Vol.23, No.6, pp.66-73, 2024
19.J.H.Back and J.J.Kim, “Comparative Analysis of Bolt Simplification Methods in Static and Dynamic Analyses,” Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineer, Vol.23, No.6, pp.57-65, 2024
18.J.Kim, B.J.Chun, and J.J.Kim, “Quantitative Load Dependency Analysis of Local Trabecular Bone Microstructure to Understand the Spatial Characteristics in the Synthetic Proximal Femur,” Biology, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 170, 2023
(JCR-IF-2021: 5.168, Rank-Biology: 21/94, Top 22.87%)
17.S.Ryu and J.J.Kim, “Structural Behavior Analysis of the Proximal Femur after Artificial Hip Joint Implantation at Micro Level,” Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol. 40, No. 11, pp. 873-879, 2023
16.J.B.Bae and J.J.Kim, “Structural Safety Analysis of Battery Housing for Electric Vehicles According to the Horizontal Cross-Member Structure,” Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 92-99, 2023
15.J.Kim and J.J.Kim, “Topology Optimization-Based Localized Bone Microstructure Reconstruction for Image Resolution Enhancement: Accuracy and Efficiency,” Bioengineering, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 664, 2022.
(JCR-IF-2021: 5.046, Rank-ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL: 31/98, Top 31.12%)
14.J. Kim, J.J.Kim, I.G. Jang, “Integrated topology and shape optimization of the five-spoke steel wheel to improve the natural frequency,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 65, no.3 p78,2022
(JCR-IF-2021: 4.279, Rank-Engineering & Multidisciplinary: 20/92, Top 21.19%)
13.J.A.Baik, J.Kim, and J.J.Kim, “Tendency Analysis of Maximum Allowable Load by Safety Factor with Changing Thickness of The Robust Parts in Motor Housing,” Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineer,  vol. 21, No. 12, pp. 35-41, 2022
12.M.G.Kim, J.S.Kim, and J.J.Kim, “2-D Topology optimization of the connection part of the electric kickboard in
case of front collision,” Journal of The Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol. 39, No. 11, pp. 841-848, 2022.
11.J.W.Choi and J.J.Kim, “Structural Behavior Analysis According to Porous Structures of The Bone Scaffold in The Femoral Head,” Journal of The Korean Society for Precision Engineering, vol. 39, No. 8, 2022.
10. I.S.LEE and J.J.Kim, “Maximum External Load Determination of Monitor Support Part for Structural Failure Prevention”, Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 289-294, 2022.
9.M.G.Kim and J.J.Kim, “Structural Safety Analysis of the Electric Kickboard According to the Shape of the Connection Parts Using Finite Element Analysis,” Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 65-70, 2021.
8.J.J.Kim, AR Kim and SW.Lee, “Artificial Neural Network-based Automated Crack Detection and Analysis for the Inspection of Concrete Structures,” Applied Sciences-Basel, vol. 10, no.22, p.8105, 2020
(JCR-IF-2019: 2.474, Rank-Engineering & Multidisciplinary: 32/91, Top 34.62%)
7.S.Yoon, A.Schiffer, J.J.Kim, I.G.Jang, and TY.Kim, “Numerical predictions of the interaction between highly nonlinear solitary waves and the microstructure of trabecular bone in the femoral head,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 109, no.March, pp.103805, 2020
(JCR-IF-2019: 3.372, Rank-Engineering & Biomedical: 27/87, Top 30.46%)
6. Y.H.Lee, J.J.Kim, and I.G.Jang, “Patient-specific phantomless estimation of bone mineral density and its effects on finite element analysis results: a feasibility study,” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2019, no.0, pp. 1–10, 2019
(JCR-IF-2019: 1.770, Rank-Mathematical & Computational Biology: 32/59, Top 53.39%)
5. J.J.Kim, J.Nam and I.G.Jang, “Computational study of estimating 3D trabecular bone microstructure for volume of interest from CT scan data,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. e2950, 2018
(JCR-IF-2019: 2.097, Rank-Mathematical & Interdisciplinary Application: 33/106, Top 30.66%)
4. J.J.Kim, J.Nam and I.G.Jang, “Fully automated segmentation of a hip joint using the patient-specific optimal thresholding and watershed algorithm,” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 154, no. 0, pp. 161-171, 2018
(JCR-IF-2019: 3.632, Rank- Computer Science, Theory & Methods: 16/108, Top 14.352%)
3. J.J.Kim and I.G.Jang, “Image resolution enhancement for healthy weight-bearing bones based on topology optimization,” Journal of Biomechanics., vol. 49, no.13, pp. 3035-3040, 2016
(JCR-IF-2019: 2.320, Rank-BioPhysics: 31/78, top 52.817%)
2.J.J.Kim, Y.H.Lee and I.G.Jang, “Estimation of Local Bone Loads for Volumes of Interest,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions of The ASME, vol. 138, no. 7, pp.071004, 2016
(JCR-IF-2020: 5.428, Rank-Computer Science, Theory&Methods: 13/110, Top 11.364%)
1. Y.H.Lee, Y.Kim, J.J.Kim, and I.G.Jang, “Homeostasis-based aging model for trabecular changes and its correlation with age-matched bone mineral densities and radiographs”. European Journal of Radiology, vol. 84, no. 11, pp. 2261–2268, 2015
(JCR-IF-2017: 2.843, Rank-Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging: 38/129, Top 29.07%)
1.김정진, 류승헌, 배정빈, “사각지대 장애물 거리에 따른 경고음 발생 교육용 시뮬레이터”, 2021